Biometric System Laboratory Biometric Test Center Pattern Recognition and Image Processing Laboratory Biometrics Research Lab - ATVS
FVC2006 is partially supported by BioSecure

Welcome to FVC2006 web site

The Biometric System Laboratory (University of Bologna), the Pattern Recognition and Image Processing Laboratory (Michigan State University), the Biometric Test Center (San Jose State University) and the Biometrics Research Lab - ATVS (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid) are pleased to announce

FVC2006: the Fourth International Fingerprint Verification Competition

FVC2006 competition focuses on fingerprint verification software assessment. A subset of fingerprint impressions acquired with various sensors was provided to registered participants, to allow them to adjust the parameters of their algorithms. Participants were requested to provide enroll and match executable files of their algorithms; the evaluation was conducted at the organizers’ facilities using the submitted executable files on a sequestered database, acquired with the same sensors as the training set.


Terms and Conditions

All publications and works that cite FVC2006 or use the FVC2006 databases must reference the following paper:
R. Cappelli, M. Ferrara, A. Franco and D. Maltoni, "Fingerprint verification competition 2006", Biometric Technology Today, vol.15, no.7-8, pp.7-9, August 2007.

© 2006 Biometric System Laboratory - University of Bologna For information or suggestions: