- PA02 - Andrey Nikiforov (Independent Developer) [Other] - United States
- PA03 - <Anomymous> [Academic]
- PA07 - Antheus Tecnologia Ltda [Industrial] - Brazil
- PA08 - Neurotechnologija Ltd. [Industrial] - Lithuania
- PA10 - Aldebaran Systems [Industrial] - United States
- PA12 - <Anomymous> [Industrial]
- PA13 - Deng Guoqiang (Independent Developer) [Other] - China
- PA14 - ActivCard Canada [Industrial] - Canada
- PA15 - Bioscrypt Inc. [Industrial] - United States
- PA16 - University of Tehran, Electrical and Computer department [Academic] - Iran
- PA18 - <Anomymous> [Industrial]
- PA19 - <Anomymous> [Industrial]
- PA20 - Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Da-Yeh University [Academic] - Taiwan
- PA21 - Inha University [Academic] - Korea
- PA22 - AILab, Institute of Automation, The Chinese Accademy of Sciences [Academic] - China
- PA24 - Biometrics System Lab, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications [Academic] - China
- PA25 - <Anomymous> [Other]
- PA26 - Suprema Inc. [Industrial] - Korea
- PA27 - <Anomymous> [Industrial]
- PA28 - FINGERPIN AG [Industrial] - Switzerland
- PA29 - HZMS Biometrics Co. Ltd [Other] - China
- PA31 - TeKey Research Group [Industrial] - Israel
- PA32 - DATAMICRO Co. Ltd. [Industrial] - Russia
- PA34 - <Anomymous> [Industrial]
- PA35 - SAGEM [Industrial] - France
- PA42 - Digital Fingerpass Corporation [Industrial] - China
- PA45 - IDENCOM AG [Industrial] - Switzerland
- PB05 - Siemens AG [Industrial] - Germany
- PB15 - Bioscrypt Inc. [Industrial] - United States
- PB27 - <Anomymous> [Industrial]
- PB35 - SAGEM [Industrial] - France
New Entries
- LA22 - Digital Fingerpass Software Co.Ltd. (in cooperation with AI labs of Chinese Academy of Sciences) [Industrial] - China

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For information or suggestions: fvc@unibo.it